Have you ever thought about your labels?


Have you ever thought about your labels?
The ones from which you often, unconsciously, derive your identity?

Once, a long time ago, I wanted to be a representer in court for the government. Because then, I would be important. Then, I would be valuable.
Once I got the job, I was completely bored after 6 months. Now, I mattered, but I felt unhappy.

So, back to school then. Get more degrees. Then, I finally will be good enough.
I became an organizational consultant. I started developing and implementing organizational strategies. Now  I have impact. Now I matter. Now I am worth something. Or so I thought.

We all have labels, and often, we don't even realize that we attach our self-worth to them.

I am an entrepreneur (so I am innovative because I create my own income).
I am a manager (so I have authority, and that means I am valuable).
I am a parent of... (so what I do matters, and therefore, I matter).
I am smart (because I have my PhD).
I am... Fill in the blank.

Or, the other way around:
I earn little money (so I am not worth much).
I have dyslexia (so I struggle with reading, and therefore, I am dumb).
I have no degree (so what I have to say doesn't matter).

Now, ask yourself this important question: WHO ARE YOU WITHOUT LABELS?

You are good enough already, just as you are.
Without any achievements. We are all born with a medal!  You had a 1 in 40 million chance to be born into this world. It's a MIRACLE that YOU came out! That YOU were born. You have already earned a medal just by being here in this life, in this world! So stop putting labels on yourself and be who you were always meant to be: your authentic self.

You can't become authentic; you already are.

You might have covered it up under thick layers of conditioning, upbringing, and social demands: "This is how it should be, this is how you should be." Thick layers of limiting beliefs, conscious and unconscious, that hold you back from being who you were meant to be.

Everyone gets programmed by upbringing and environment.
And for everyone - even if you had a great childhood - there comes a time when you get to examine your labels and beliefs and decide which ones are truly yours and which are not. Which ones you want to keep and which you want to let go of because they no longer serve you.

Everyone reaches that point. Sometimes willingly. Sometimes forcefully (burnout, illness, adversity). Sometimes because, no matter what you do, you feel unhappy inside.

So, ask yourself:
Who are you without labels?
Who do you want to be?
Who are you, in your authentic core?
And how do you create a life that is YOURS because YOU chose it?

Something to think about...

Do you want to get to know your authentic self?
Want to know where to start?

On Wednesday, September 27th at 7 PM CET/ 10 am PST, I am giving the free online masterclass "Create a life you love!"
Want to participate? You can register through this link: https://marijkehoekstra.com/masterclass/20230927

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